A dog that (sometimes begrudgingly or reluctantly) allows its person to dress him or her in sweaters, costumes, footwear, and other apparel. Similar to playing with a Barbie Doll. Usually a purse dog or Chihuahua.
"My mom just got a new holiday sweater for her Barbie Dog. She can't wait to dress him in it for the party."
A biracial native chick. usually white and Indian. She's Raised out on the reservation. But looks and acts white..
Look at Kimberly...my gawd she's such a Rez Barbie..
(kicks.rule.everything.around.me) a clicc made up of real ass females, who put it down and does it up like boss bitches. smart and classy, but at the same time if you push her button, will whip your ass like its nothing. attractive females with attitude that can dress, stay rocking fly kicks; nothing fake about her. basically a type of female every boy wants and every girl envys.
Can't no other group of females do it like k.r.e.a.m barbies. point blank period.
A female meth addict who traffics her "cuteness" or physical "gifts" in exchange for schards of meth.
Jane Doe aint nothing but a schard barbie.
Hoe the Barbie is a whos life was dedicated to being a stripper and a hoe in general, used to comment on someone who acts like one.
Karly: Oh my god! Sadie you’re literally Hoe The Barbie!
Sadie: I know right girlie?! It’s such a good job!
- keď sa ťa niekto snaží ojebať o peniaze
- fráza bola vymyslená jedným slovenským stoka rapperom, ktorý sám seba zvykne nazývať vlkom, drakom a inými zvieratami
*meme_wlk: “kupil som dcere barbie dom”
When you ask a girl out on a date solely based on her looks, and she ends up having zero positive personality traits.
Shawn: Dude, how did your date go last night?
Rob: Shit, man, it was awful. I mean she looked great but the minute the waiter left, she turned into a total rascist asshole.
Shawn: Well Rob, maybe if you weren't so damn shallow you wouldn't be constantly Barbie Trapped.