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infinite base

A psychedelic experience that will rip apart the fabric of space and time through intense sexual interactions. You and your partner(s) will go through time itself, teleporting, fucking, and feeling all known and undiscovered forms of pleasurable experiences simultaneously. It is the only known way to time travel. During Infinite Base, it is common to morph into your spirit animal. Works with up to 4 people. No more. It is wise to use a condom as the risk of pregnancy is guaranteed.

"Bro, guess what base I went to with Stephanie and her friends last night."

"What base?"

"Infinite Base."

"Is that even legal? Did you put back my dad's ladder at least?"

by Wmadbdog January 9, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

101th base

When you fuck a guy named Izac in the nose and cum inside him and his dad walks in and he plays it off as a sneeze.

Made by Jasmine and Jordan. You're welcome Izac. 101th Base. haha

by hahasexualbitch February 23, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Based Jesus

A certain individual who usually post funny, humerus jokes on the website's WorldStarHiphop comment section. While trying to dominate the top comment game, usually succeeding one comment at a time. You may catch a comment or two from this individual on every video posted on the website WorldStarHipHop.

Based Jesus โ”ผ: Been a real nigga since 600 B.C

by Jesus Based Christ February 4, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

100th base

When you stick your dick up some dead persons nose

"Dude last night I totally got to 100th base"- you
"I am calling the police"- Obama

by Khaosko May 31, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

third base

Controversially debated, but the modern accepted definition of 'Third Base' is both Fellatio and Cunnilingus.

Fellatio being oral sex performed on a male, involves a penis being placed into ones mouth, commonly known as a headjob, sucking off or a blowjob, although one generally does not blow when performing.

Cunnilingus being oral sex performed on a female, involves a tongue entering a vagina, commonly known as licking out and eating out.

Late Tuesday night, Mike drove Jen to make out point in his newly imported supra, once there Mike managed to reach third base for the first time with Jen when Mike licked Jen's vagina. Jen had never given anyone a blowjob before and decided she would perform one on Mike the same night. That night Mike and Jen reached 3rd base both ways.

by ambulance_x February 3, 2007

639๐Ÿ‘ 501๐Ÿ‘Ž

second base

1) The second of four bases (including home plate) in the game of baseball.
2) Many argue the status of this base in terms of sexual engagement. Some believe it is intense feeling, while others believe it is a handjob/ fingering. Take your pick.

1) Johnson reached second after pounding a double up the middle. He gave a two finger salute to the crowd, acknowledging his 300th hit.
2) Johnson reached second with his two finger salute pounding up the middle.

by MastePlan May 17, 2004

2503๐Ÿ‘ 2083๐Ÿ‘Ž

2nd Base

touching people's goods

titts, dick, goods, anything you wouldn't try to cover up from your spouse/partner. Alan is two basses from doing his girlfriend, he's already touched her breasts, so he's past 2nd base.

by jannene June 9, 2006

936๐Ÿ‘ 763๐Ÿ‘Ž