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it's all real

See "It's all good". Usually used repetitively in conjuction with synonym, followed by the phrase, "Keepin't real, y'all." or, in the case of macking up an attractive young lady, "baby girl".

It's all good, it's all real, keepin' it real, ya'll.

by Pimpalicious March 28, 2004

Real six

When someone says a valid statement that involves anything sexual

Tom : β€œ Yo Ngl I’m in the mood to fuck a tranny tn”

Brad : β€œReal Six πŸ’―β€

by Atl.reviews September 17, 2022

Ape Real

One who is born in the fourth month. A black chick with an awesome body an all the boys get in that monkey. Spanking the monkey.

Damnn you so Ape real . Let me spanking that monkey girl!

by LeiairaRaine June 21, 2020

Real steel

A movie set in 2020 with robots that you can control

Person 1: it’s 2022 where are my robots at?
Person 2: I know, real steel lied to us all

by That man that does stuff February 5, 2022

Real Definition

Top 10 hardest things
1. Finding a real definition on Urban Dictionary
It's fucking impossible, you can't look up a real definition on this site here.

Guy 1: I have spent 48 hours of my life trying to search for a Real Definition on urbandictionary.com
Guy 2: Did you find one?
Guy 1: No.
Guy 2: Damn, it must be very hard!

by β€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Ž May 14, 2021

real folks

Real folks means when they aren't fake they are the real deal ...There isn't anything fake or unreal about them.

These are real folks right here.

by AMDL August 21, 2017

Real Regulator

He is someone that is trying to become a professional soccer/football player. He likes to do YouTube in his free-time.

Person 1: "Have you heard of Real Regulator?"
Person 2: "No, who is he?"
Person 1 : "He is a YouTuber that wants to go pro!"
Person 2 : "Really? That's sick! I got to check him out!"

by Anonymous22846 October 9, 2018