If you enjoy ass play but still want to bang your lady at the same time, Tooter in the cooter is the perfect mash-up. This eccentric act is complex to perform, but exciting and rewarding when done right. A large dildo is inserted into the mans ass with little to no lube (depth will vary on the amount of anal meat he wants to present) and then aggressively rips it out of his ass. This will cause anal prolaspe, or pink socking for the non-nedical types.
The man then pushes his ass meat into the pussy like it was his dick and bangs away. As an added twist he can jerk off at the same time which heightens the experience for both partners.
At the Pruden poker party Will brought up the new sex position he had tried a couple of weeks ago with the crackwhore down the street. Immediately after Bryan and Amy felt inspired to try the tooter in the cooter.
Where your girlfriend or partner squirts her juices in your eye and ramming her cooter in your nose.
Cathy: babe can you swallow my juices
Bill: not tonight babe
When a older Romans pussy lips are so loose that they can spin at very high speeds and cause her to lift off the ground and fly...
josh: hol up bro to mom flying, how she doing that
me: bitch got a cooter copter
A ladie’s time of the month. Period time.
Did you get your cooter koolaid yet?
A expulsion of air from the vagina of a woman with a illness like the cold.
I was having second thoughts about going down on her because she had the flu.. but as i did, her cooter ca choo'ed in my face.
The nose or snout of a dog, typically medium to large breed, especially one of said dog that particularly enjoys ramming its nose into someone's, ideally a woman's, crotch.
Katelin, "Your German shepherd has a huge cooter bruiser."
When you take out the silicon mold of a vagina from a Pocket Pussy and start smacking people with it.
man 1: bro, that riot was messed up someone hit me with a pocket pussy!
man 2:oh, uhh sorry dude that was me
man 1: what?
man 2: yeah that was my cooter mace