Mike Wazowski’s younger brother. He has 2 eyes, brown skin, is a pedophile who had 69 accounts of rape on human children and is in jail for life where he dropped the soap 100 times. His brother disowned him. That is Craig Wazowski’s life
When you put something on craig and don't follow up with it, you must put semen on a cracker and eat it.
Boy: she called you hot on craig
Girl: I never said that, now you gotta eat a cracker
really good at madden. loves to eat chips. loves the seahawks
She is a wonderous beautimous Swagalicious Person
You; Whos that?
Person; OH, that's beautimous Abigail Lola Craig, my bestie boo.
A hot sexy hunk of meat, some call him daddy or mommy I call him God.
I want to have sex with Craig Sellers.
The Hottest Dilf Around, Father Of Gavin Sellers.
I want to have sex with craig sellers.