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Dee Man

An alter ego used for men with the name “Andy”. A Dee man is a classified reprobate who is likely to cause offence or carnage wherever he goes. A Dee man will likely appear from a mere muggles body, but only when either too much alcohol or Peruvian snow has been consumed. The said innocent human affected may not even know their inner Dee man has came out only until the morning after, however, the curse of the Dee man allows for categorically 0 remorse or regret to be felt. You can tell when a Dee-man has entered the room by his enormous stature, he will claim to be 6ft5 when in reality scrapes 5ft10. This will be accompanied by an accent that get ever increasingly hard to understand the more his inner Dee man grows. The only saving grace the menace to society brings is that he is equipped with an absolute monster of a cock, however unfortunate he never gets to use it.

“You see the way he’s smashing those lines and beers? He’s gonna turn into the Dee man soon”

by The Irish G.O.A.T November 23, 2021

Dee's Penis

At least 12 inches

"Woah Dee's Penis is at least 12 inches!"

by WoahVeryCool July 21, 2023

mak dee

When a white guy opens an Asian restaurant, the first thing he puts on the menu is the Mak Dee. It consists of chicken, rice, and tofu.

Customer: Could I get 2 orders of the Mak Dee?

Waiter: Yes sir that will be right out.

by Smartest Guy Alive September 7, 2015

hope me dee die

I declare

I hope me Dee die , it’s cold outside

by Jinx65 December 25, 2022

fiddle dee diddle

Stimulate a girl's vag with your fingers

Mandy and I made out for a while, then I gave her the ol' fiddle dee diddle.

by gregin' (Greg Dahlen) August 23, 2020