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Eskimo Dookie Smooch

The sensual act of gently rubbing ones nose, back and forth on the anus of another.

Do anything kinky lately?

Sure did. I gave my girl an Eskimo Dookie Smooch as I was eating her out from behind.

by Toilet Thinker October 29, 2020

Dookie Wind

The forceful poont right before a dookie

“I need to get to the bathroom before I let out anymore dookie wind”.

by Red shrimp May 2, 2021

Dookie Ears

An insult/nickname to someone you either like/hate. Makes fun of them for either being retarded or faint of hearing. Could also be used casually in a social situation.

example 1: "Hey whatsup Dookie ears"

example 2: "Hey whats up?"

"What did you say?"
"I said Whats up, you got Dookie ears or something?"

Example 3: "Dude, that guy is fucking retarded he must have Dookie ears or something."

by KY$-REAL November 8, 2019

dookie titties

Where you lactate fecal materials from nipples.

Sharron had nice dookie titties. I want to suck the shit out of them.

by DADDYFURR October 5, 2021

Dookied on

To take a shit on someone, usually their forehead


"OMG Kai you dookied on that kid"

"Ik i dookie on them all the time"

by Kai wrote this January 7, 2020

dooky dooky

Take a shit.. As in pooping often a word used to describe pooping in a friendly manner

Wat are you doing?

I'm taking a dooky dooky

by Dwetje October 7, 2015

Hookie Dookie

To skip any previous engagements for a good poop.

"I think he's playing hookie dookie again"

by Emerson44 July 15, 2018