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Winning everywhere. This is said when someone tells you are bi-polar.

I'm bi-winning. I win here and I win there.

by E-Men March 15, 2011

1👍 4👎


To win in multiple areas of your life at the same time. This was made famous as demonstrated by the master of this Charley Sheen.

I am not bipolar! I am bi-winning. I am winning over here and winning over there at the same time.

by SwapMeetDude March 4, 2011

1👍 4👎

i clearly win

When someone beats someone else at something so bad that there is no way in hell it was a close call.

"WoW, your terrible. I clearly win."

by Jazzy fea July 27, 2005

9👍 3👎


It is the inability to connect self-destructive behavior to self-destruction combined with an alternate reality where irresponsibility and lack of self-control are core values.

The word was coined by Charlie Sheen in an interview with ABC on February 28, 2011.

The judge took my kids, my house, and my freedom because he was jealous of my bi-winning, not because of the coke/hooker party.

by mbb98a March 4, 2011

2👍 13👎

Epic Gamer Win

When some virgin gets a victory virgin on Fortnut Battle Royale.

That little nigga got an epic gamer win! Beat the shit out of him

by Coco Niny 6969 November 2, 2018

Buck ups win

To win by luck

Is buck ups win him get 80% on the test

by K3nnyT October 19, 2021

Jayden’s fifa win

Jayden’s fifa win is defined as a bit shite am that’s facks

Jayden’s fifa win is shite

by MeetingWheel69 October 10, 2019