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whisper for help

"It's an Adirondack concept, 'whisper for help,' when you run into an aggressive person that is really attracted to you, you usually give them a half hour to stop and whisper for help" -Roy Hurd, "Greatest Musician Alive"

Listen to Roy Hurd's "Whisper for Help" on the album 'As Real As It Gets" on Spotify, IHeartRadio, iTunes, TuneIn or youtube.

by Wisjd August 22, 2017

Stealth Help

1: verb: To help someone without them knowing that you're helping them

1: Maybe you should write a stealth help book
2: Pastor: God is a master at the art of stealth help.

by TheEpicN00b August 16, 2011

can you help us with this?

What Urban Dictionary Asks You To Do (You Don’t Have To) After You Wrote A Definition.

Can You Help Us With This? I Can’t Decide Add It Keep Out

by WasTotallyBornOnApril8 December 2, 2020

no ones around to help

IS A FRICKING SONG, A FRICKING REAMIX, A FRICKING meme???????? A ANIMAL CROSSING VERSION OF SMUG DANCE, AND SOME OTHER STUFF.... probably...… i don't wAnA research. although the main aspect of this is BOB THE PURP CAT, HE IS THE BETTER THAN fucking raymold ( he doesn't deserve the frick)and thats all i got

no ones around to help im not sure at this point and im afraid to ask

by someone else thats not u February 10, 2021

Second Helping

Dating someone that looks like your ex.

Second Helping: Jenny is now dating John, who looks identical to her ex Clarke. Coincidence? We think not.

by Resolutes November 2, 2019

self-help paradox

The age-old conundrum of "people who seek self-improvement vs. people who need self-improvement" --- generally speaking, the people who are conscientious and unashamedly self-examining enough to actively seek ways to improve themselves do not really need to self-improve very much, whereas the people who truly do need to improve themselves will not admit that they even HAVE a self-inadequacy problem, and so they arrogantly/impatiently refuse to seek or accept help in improving their character or behavior (think, the infamous "getters gettin' got" conversation between Madea and Dr. Phil).

Client, to counsellor, at the outset of their weekly meeting: Breaker one-five for reality check --- come on back?
Counsellor, playing along: Yeah, go ahead, Breaker --- reading you wall-to-wall and treetop-tall.
Client: Thanks --- that's a big ten-four, good buddy. Well, I'm in the process of trying to improve myself, and so I thought I'd send a random shout-out over the waves to check my progress. I've been trying to be more sociable and patient and helpful to everyone, visualize things more from their perspective, and so on.
Counsellor: Well, eights and other good numbers to you on THAT one, good buddy --- that's certainly a positive start. Have you tried self-help books?
Client: Oh, a great BIG ten-four THERE, good buddy --- I've read at least a half-dozen of 'em cover-to-cover, and loved every page; the problem, though, is that I never seem to find any new ideas --- most everything in there is stuff I already know about and am actively practicing, so the books just reassuringly confirm the nature and wisdom of my efforts, not provide fresh perspectives for further improvement.
Counsellor: Ah... well, ten-four, good buddy --- I totally "get you" there... the old "self-help paradox", eh?? The only people who'll read those books are ones who don't need 'em!

by QuacksO February 3, 2017

Hit vanilla cream to help out with your self esteem

(a black person, undeniably a male) to ejaculate and rub their semen on themselves to try to look white.

Hit vanilla cream to help out with your self esteem

by DefinitionsPlug June 12, 2024