Someone who actively takes the side of idiocy in a conversation for the sake of having the subject explained, in easier terms, for someone who may not know as much about it. The advocate would typically be up-to-speed with the subject of interest, but ask such questions for someone who might be too embarrassed to do so. See devil's advocate.
Frank, Bob, Carl and I were having a conversation about politics, but Carl doesn't really pay attention to it, so I decided to play the idiot's advocate to catch him up
There are two meanings :
First the person is an idiot and it was confirmed by many people or just an evidence.
The other meaning is that, the person is certified in a study or a job. But this person doesn't really deserve the title.
1. She even failed to the easiest test ! she is a certified idiot.
2. Although he has a degree in business administration, the enterprise is bankrupt. He is just a certified idiot.
when someone is so stupid that you pass out
your such an idiotic bean
One who is trained to be an idiot, by fellow idiot peers
Barb is idiotically enhanced from her friends
When someone doesn't think for themself.
I told him don't follow the idiot when he tried to implement the new process and his only reason was because he was told that process from someone else. Otherwise you are following the idiot.
3👍 -1👎
A mark, such as a scar or wound, that could have been prevented if one ridiculously obvious precautionary action had been taken.
I earned my idiot badge today by scalding my tongue with a freshly poured cup of hot coffee.
Bob failed to properly unload his gun before cleaning it. Therefore, that bullet hole in his leg is his idiot badge.
The 4 idiots were a project created by Mr. Goggins to keep Steve company after he helped him with the Jaydoni incident. The 4 idiots can all be controlled by Goggins and attack any enemy with great power, however, when not controlled by Goggins, they are absolute clowns, hence their code name. Their names are Josue ( J1), Jason (J2), Marvin (M1), and Miguel (M2).
The 4 idiots are completely retarted and like to mess with fans as they spin, what clowns.