juan is the life of the party. not just a party but anywhere he goes. bars, clubs, even work! you name it. they are extremely genius people and know absolutely everything. juans are never wrong and they know it. they are amazing at sex and everything surrounding that, they know how to please you and most of the times have mommy issues. they love milfs but claim they don’t like kids but when introduced to them juans fall in love with babies. they also love younger girls, they claim to hate immaturity but also get off on that and likes the entertainment of teaching and leading people to become more mature. they are great boyfriends (sometimes) and treat you like a queen. they also don’t hit girls. i love juans.
juan was WILD last night
juan gave me some amazing dick earlier today
juan is soooo amazing. hes kind
and sweet & hes a lil bit of a flirt
but i love that abt him. He’s literally handsome and tall & his voice is sooo
nice he has that spanish accent when
he speaks so he sounds literally
angelic. he tests your patience
sometimes but im fine with it cause
im patient. Juan can be dirty minded
but he’s still the best, he’s funny and fun
to be around and his compliments are always so nice. his wavy fluffy hair and his handsome face bro he literally looks like a dream. he’s has funny humor and he's super relatable. his laugh sounds soo nice and his smile is literally the bestt. plus hes one of those guys who literally just has a soft spot for you and acts different around literally everyone else. hes loyal and looks for you out of all the crowd.
in general if you have the type of juan i have you gotta be blessed to have him bc hes amazingg and will literally treat you like a princessss 🙏🏽
friend 1: whos that guy over there
me: oh thats Juan
friend 1: he’s probably the best
me: yea he is
Tired of this trend.
Please grow up.
Noun: no really grow up
Juan is a name just a name.