Grows abs whenever he wants. Keeps fit and strong even though he eats about 666kg of food everyday.
Every Lewis you encounter will be dreamy. His sparkling eyes will make you dazed. Your friends will be thinking you’re the luckiest girl on the planet to get a slice of action with a Lewis. His sense of humour is goated. If you’re thinking of swerving a Lewis you better he quick - Lewis can quickscope any of his Ex’s with ease. Lewis is one of a kind person be lucky to have met one
Friend: so who is your boyfriend?
Me: it’s Lewis
Friend OMG girl you’re so lucky treat this moment the best you can
STFU HES PERFECT<3 amazing, sexy, handsome, gorgeous, adorable, and an amazing friend and boyfriend if u have a Lewi in your life keep him he’s amazing and never let him go he will do everything to keep you happy even when he’s not and make you feel wanted. He’s the most amazing guy you’ll ever meet and your lucky h met him and if u let him go you fucked up let’s be honest because you’ll never find anyone better if your his girlfriend marry him and have his babies now!! if your his mate support him threw everything and don’t be a cunt. Girls if u got a Lewi don’t let him leave tie him to a tree if u have to honestly just be like your mine can’t leave nope your great he’s loyal loving caring and funny what more could you ask for I’m saying all this from experience I have a few friends called Lewi and they are all amazing I know how great they can be <3 DONT EVER HURT HIM HES PERFECT BITCH xx
Girl 1: he’s mine
Girl 2: ha no he’s mine
Lewi: sorry guys I have a girlfriend :)
A well known roblox hacker who goes by the alais meowntindew1. But in reality he is actually a ninja cod master who uses lag spikes in world at war.
Lewis is a hacker who will find your IP and hack you.
Guy"Hey did you hear about that kid called Wolfy?"
Girl"yeah I heard about that legend.."
Guy"Yeah I know... Lewis is the real legend here though"
Lewis is a tall handsome man with a big personality, he’s shy but when you get to know him he becomes your best friend instantly. He is quiet about his feelings but can’t help but fall in love. His feelings for that short, blonde girl, can’t be held. She doesn’t know but he’s the best thing that could ever happen to her. His charming smile lights up the whole room. Once he admits his feelings he will sweet her off her feet. You can’t help but fall in love with Lewis.
Michelle- who’s that?
Cindy- that’s lewis
Michelle- wow... I want a lewis.
Honestly one of the best people, acts like such a playboy but is an absolute softie at heart. Talking to Lewis is a great experience, you never know what'll happen Lewis gives the best opinions and advice always providing good insight on things. If you don't have Lewis in your life you're missing out big time, get him before someone else does, his teasing and good natured insults are only a part of his overall gentleman-like nature.