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flaming hot liquid lava

What comes out of your ass after a night of drinking.

Dude, if I fart I think flaming hot liquid lava might seep out of my ass.

by Nish November 26, 2015

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pouring liquid draino in the pipes

performing anal sex with a constipated female, thus cleaning out her pipes

me and my girl got caught pouring liquid draino in the pipes because she farted on my dick

by shaddy July 16, 2006

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Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake

An incredibly potent drug that causes you to "get so high your brains will blow chunks into the milky way." It causes you to go insane and leaves your mind a blank slate. It was used by members of the hair metal band, Snakes n' Barrels, during their reunion concert and caused all but their lead singer, Pickles, to go insane.

"Hey, you guys want to try some Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake?"

"We got some Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake from a dude."

by mossSAP January 24, 2007

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Remove Viscid liquid from ulcerative rectal track

A phrase commonly used by high society instead of saying shit.

(At the dinner table with guests, it is polite for one to say:)

Excuse me everyone I need to Remove Viscid liquid from ulcerative rectal track.

by sir twiggles April 9, 2007

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Sex milk is a sticky liquid that is made in a man's balls when he is hard

It makes a woman prego

I want ur sex milk in my pussy

Sex milk is a sticky liquid that is made in a man's balls when he is hard

by Kiss_or_miss November 7, 2018

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Liquid animal

A cat also known as a pussy

A cat the a first liquid animal that has bones flesh etc cats are liquid that’s it

by Cousin of mine May 11, 2020

liquid neon

A smooth streamlined, fast car.

When a highway becomes a neon street, the cars are moving fast! A car, when parked, that is so fab and tricked, is like one on a highway, but since its not moving, its called liquid.
Liquid neon.

A neon street is a moderately busy highway at night. The cars go so fast, its like a big white or red neon light (especially in slow cameras).

That Mazda RX-8 has features like a Scion! It is liquid neon!

by Solomonn February 3, 2006