It refers to the fact that there are a lot of attractive women around.
Kim called Josh and said: "Hey Josh, come on over, there's more arse than grass here".
A joke phrase usually posted in the comment section of a YouTube animator. It originates from a series of animations called Leo and Satan by OneyNG. People continuously asked him to make more episodes when he stopped, which led other users to comment the phrase "make more leo and satan" to animators who have a similar humor/style to Oney.
YouTube Commenter: "Make more Leo and Satan"
This rule states that if someone has three or more affectations from the neck up (i.e. garish scarves, ostentatious earrings, extravagant nose rings, designer glasses, gaudy facial hair, etc.) is probably an attention-starved prick. It is strongly advised that attention-starved pricks guilty of violating this policy cease and desist at once.
Guy 1: Look at that guy and his ridiculous mustache, glasses, and scarf.
Guy 2: Yeah, he is definitely breaking the Three or More Affectations Rule.
a phrase used by parents/teacher to discredit their children/student who fails to do or submit their assignment/homework - reckoned they spent much time playing Cityville game in facebook.
note: school is one of municipal building in CityVille. And building a school is one of the goals.
Daniel: Sir, I've lost my scientific calculator, last night.
Teacher: Build more school, boy.
People who love telling you all thier problems. Drama queens and kings. People to avoid. Energy drainers. P
"X" argh they have more issues than tissues
People who love telling you all thier problems. Drama queens and kings. People to avoid. Energy suckers.
Nigel has more issues than tissues
It has been proven that Marcus Hofmann loves Kendall Oniell, aka KCO, way more than she will ever love him
It’s just given Marcus loves Kendall more