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pace muffin

a very attractive female runner that motivates you to keep up with her pace.

Dude, I had several pace muffins to help me cross the finish line!

by SpeedyGonzo June 2, 2010

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

muffin chunker

to stand too close to some one. when they are infront of you.and you are basically right up on their ass.

SHIT MAN!!!!!!!!! back up ur standing to close. why are you trying to chunk my muffins you little muffin chunker

by kip walters June 20, 2007

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Blood Muffin

A vagina during menstruation. Failure by a women to inform the person performing cunnilingus that she is on her period.

"Charles forgot our anniversary Veronica, I taught him a lesson by treating him to a 'Blood Muffin' he won't forget that I can tell you."

by Rattyman1964 April 16, 2010

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Guff muffin

Farting on a muffin and then making someone eat it.

Shop owner: that customer is a right asshole, I’m going to give him a guff muffin.

Customer: oh good it’s freshly baked, still warm.

by HH05 January 15, 2021

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muffin top

thy butt hath overflowith thine tiny pants

"mom's muffin top makes her skinny jeans look like fatty jeans"

by elodie December 13, 2006

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Muffin head

An insult of the highest degree. It is racist, sexist, etc. Most commonly used by the popular gaming influencer BadBoyHalo (BBH) who avoids using any swear words other than the word being described.

BBH: skeppy, you muffin head!

Skeppy: ...

by BBH’S CUMDUMP December 21, 2020

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

slut muffin

a muffin that let itself get eaten by everyone

man at least 15 people have had a bite of that slut muffin

by shane aisbett June 25, 2004

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