When you shave your pussy but not your asshole.
how was she last night bro?'
'Yeah not bad but I was hitting it from the back and saw a mullet'
'Oh damn nigga I bet you still ate it though'
'Helllll yeaaaah nigguuuuuh'
Automatically makes you 10 times hotter, makes your dick 10 times bigger, and your muscles 10 times bigger.
Idiots who likes getting bottomed by pedo stashed, caterpillar eyebrowed little boys
Is he a mullet man?
Yes he is
person 1:Why do you have a mullet?
Person2: Excuse meeeee this is the new fashion
Person 1: Dude mullets weren't invented in this time you Mullet Mannnnnn
When your hair is too short to be in a ponytail and the bottom falls out, giving the appearance of a mullet.
"OMG she ratchet, look at her ponytail mullet"
everyone in baseball sniffles. ''whats that smell?'' they all say. everyone looks at Jon Jon, the kid that never washes his hair. it's you, your mullet stinks.
Did someone rip ass, or is that Jon Jons stinky mullet.
A very overweight individual who has an irrational fear of climbing ladders.
(Person 1) Can you climb the ladder and get on the roof?
(Fat guy) Aww nah i don't like climbing ladders.
(Person 1) Bloody Land Mullet