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Salted Boat

A female who has an abundance of sex. i.e non virgin.

"Heather always has seamen on her boat. Her boat is totally salted."

A guy referring to a girl: "You could tell that girl has tons of experience. She definitely has a salted boat."

by Heather and Caitlin January 18, 2011

tennis boat

something arthur morgan says when he dies in low honor ending rdr2 by dying from micah bell

micah: damn you

by baysil September 8, 2023

PT Boat


...I mean really you should know where this is from you uncultured fuktarde. Get on my level.

by IsrealiDefenseMinister August 15, 2022

pineapple boat

A term used when a guy is busting a nut so good it is like omg I have no other words to explain this bomb feeling. You are on another level during this time so it would be the first words that leave your mouth, so pineapple boat.

Pineapple boat. Nuffsaid.

by Dirty D and Nasty Z September 22, 2013

to Jon-boat

1. The act of discrediting a political opponent, regardless of military service record, by making truthful, searing claims about his/her character and past actions.

2. Battering by a shallow-draft, flat-bottomed boat with three bench seats.

Origins: The capitalized J distinguishes this from the jon boat (n.) and is a reference to both Jonathan Swift and Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz), but not John Kerry, as he spells his John with an 'h'. See, also, swiftboat and jon boat.

Did you watch him just Jon-boat President Bone-spurs on the Late Night Show without even mentioning his small hands?

Sometimes there is a need to Jon-boat orange and yellow men before they get too comfortable in their jackboots.

by PoorRicardo June 29, 2018

Shrimp boat

Blowing of ones nose through one nostril holding the other nostril closed with ones index finger also as an aid in aiming the snot and booger spray.

I shrimp boated a giant booger on the door handle.

by 666Ryder666 September 21, 2021

Boat Oar

A camp whore.

Dude, do you see that girl surrounded by 17 guys?
Yeah, man.
She's totally a boat oar.

by XBubbaBossX September 3, 2011