Similar to a "tea bag" however, its focus is on dragging DRAGON your penisPETER, across the face of your preferably very close friend/partner/well humored family member while they are sleeping/blacked out from chemical intoxication. (For your own safety DO NOT attempt this on someone who is trying to sleep off a bender of coke and or meth). It wont turn out well for anyone.
Check out this pic of PETES DRAGON visiting you last night!
Someone whose career baseball statistics would easily qualify for the Baseball Hall of Fame but due to controversy or scandal, will never be elected.
Alex Rodriguez is a Pete Rose Hall of Famer.
Oh for Pete's sake
Oh for Pete's sake is a term for when country dads are frustrated and are ready too let loose so you better stay clear when you hear this
A nigga who don't claim either side but never gets fucked wit cuz he prolly hoop or some shit.
"Who is buddy over there lookin like a opp nd shit"
"Foe chill, that's just neutral Pete"
A: Hey, do you know who has the most rizz in the world?
B: It's gotta be Pete Davidson. He's dated almost everyone in the world.
An extreme session of masturbation to help relieve stress and sexual tension.
After a long stressful day before bed, I enjoy a good Pete Slam Batten to fall into a deep slumber.
Rappers from Campbelltown
Pistol Pete & Enzo are the best rappers from South West Sydney