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i guy who probably named himself after a movie about a tiger because they are so cool.

pi: hi! my name is pi
x: like the number??
pi: not again please
x: 3'14159265.....

by capybaraenjoyer November 21, 2021


when the pi a pi

“a pi”

by ooooooooowoooooooo February 12, 2022


PI is short for the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands is the old name of the Republic of the Philippines. The Philippines was formerly known as Las Islas Filipinas, named after King Felipe II of Spain, when it was a colony of Spain from 1565 to 1898. Then it was Anglicized and it became known as the Philippine Islands when it became a U.S. territory shortly after the Spanish-American War of 1898. In 1946, upon independence from the U.S., it became a republic. The name of the country was then changed to the Republic of the Philippines.

Yo, I’m going back to the PI next year.

by The real Juan de la Cruz September 28, 2022


Something you can add to the end of your words, to give it a tone that you like it (unless it’s their name.)
Origin: bapi

“omg sun-pi (sunoo) is so cute!”
“by-pi taw-pi”
you write it without the -‘s but otherwise i can’t post it

by viktorinmiddels July 18, 2022


A hypothetical Covid variant of interest discovered in India. This variant may be more transmissible then Delta and more resistant to vaccines but further evidence is needed.

I hope Pi doesn’t become Dominant

by Fortnite1500 November 20, 2021


The post-Omicron coronavirus variant that is suing the WHO for refusing to credit her for reasons (political, racial, …, mathematical) unknown to, or hidden from, her, even after she had visited millions of urban homes in China and spent some uneasy time with the residents from all social strata, in recent weeks.

With tens of millions of migrant workers going back to their villages to visit their loved ones in the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit, Pi rationalized that her targeted billion-odd visitations in rural areas wouldn’t go unnoticed by WHO officials, who’d be forced to grant her overdue Greek citizenship among fellow Covid-19 variants.

by Fasters January 13, 2023

7👍 16👎


a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159 ect.

Teacher- Can someone tell me what is pi?
Student- It's the amount of diameters in a circle to fill its circumference.

by xc4c September 12, 2023