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Ping pong driver

On the freeway, someone who is traveling faster than the speed of traffic, cutting closely in and out and changing lanes without using their turn signal.

That ping pong driver in the black SUV is going to get in an accident!

by namelessfreewaydriver September 29, 2023


Ping roach is that person that's always hanging around game rooms, some oven live there, that bring nothing but their dirty asses and STDs with them.

True to roach form they come in droves. It starts with one then when that one is accepted for being socially equal to a cockroach and its not seeming so pathetic. The rest of the pinging community slowly begins to turn into a giant filthy bunch of roaches that mostly rely on the women to prostitute themselves to support their drug and ping habit. They'll pool their money together so every three days they can get an hourly for an hour and take turns in the shower until it's time.

Say man I was at the game room and there was this little blonde with big tits wearing a dress with her face all picked to shit but God damn I wanted to fuck.

Man your trying that's megan the ping roach. You wanna fuck her get in line with the other 30 roaches she resides with and hope you get your turn before the hour is up.

by Scrilla Don't Lie October 16, 2019

Ping Ping my Dingaling

When one attaches a nokia cellphone to one’s penis and then asks a friend, partner, or co-worker to call them. Thereby “Ping Ping(ing) {their} Dingaling

AYO boss, can you uh- Ping Ping My Dingaling? Thanks g. preciate it.

I got tommy to Ping Ping My Dingaling yesterday, pretty cool experience. Made me shout “OH ME CORCH!”

by P-Grizzy-Expert March 11, 2022

ping reeman day

ping reeman day on 27th december

Ping reeman day on 27th subwoofer kys

by sweetrollfromskyrim December 27, 2021

go play ping pong with your ding dong

male masturbation. linda said it in a bob’s burgers episode.

Linda: “Oh, go play ping pong with your ding dong!”

by sincitywasntmadeforme March 3, 2024

Lee Ping

Lee, is a very generous and nice guy, also very smart and fluent in Math, has a pretty good reputation in school, he is very trustworthy, and if you are mad at him, it would make him feel uncomfortable, and would want to fix things back to peace, also when it comes to his crushes, it usually takes time for him to admit it, and when he does, he truelly does love them!


Hey there's Lee Ping! He is super cool! And very trustworthy too!

by Hatsymdrome1 September 25, 2017

Ping savvy

Used to describe if your game server has an appealing ping to different locales on the planet (Earth that is).

This Australian *random game name* server is hosted in China to make it more ping savvy to players joining us from Europe and the USA.

by Clyz0rb0b0 November 24, 2007