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Sweet Potato

An adorable nickname to call your lesbian girlfriend.

I love you, sweet potato~

by Ididurmoms April 3, 2022

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Jacket Potato

A common lunchtime snack in England, another way of saying baked potato. Can also be referred to as a 'jacket' or a 'jacket in a packet'. Really good with cheese and beans.

I'm going to have a jacket potato for lunch.

by Rev Bun's July 17, 2010

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Potato Whore

A fully baked slut :)

Kaelyn a.k.a. Shorty is a potato whore

by boobalieboo March 14, 2011

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sexual potato

Definition 1 : A potato used as a "play toy" by a randy male.

Definition 2 : A expression used to describe someone really hot. or something dirrrrty you did.

Example 1 :

man takes large potato.
man microwaves large potato for 10mins full heat.
man sticks his dick in potato
man's dick burns off because any idiot knows a potato reaches 110degrees.
man is now a unic.

Example 2 :

"did you get with that guy last night?"
"yeah hes such a sexual potato!"

"what ya get up to?"
"a whole load of sexual potatoes!"

by sazmoola November 30, 2011

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Ugly potato

Something everyone calls themselves, stop because you are not the ugly potato...

I am...

Becky: Ew, I look like a ugly potato
Karen: Omg sameeeee girl

by ChimsChimsMochi June 30, 2018

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potato lesbian

noun- A frumpystumpy woman, with shorter hair; sometimes loosely feathered with spikes. Typically wears half-zip mock neck fleece sweaters; in colors of forest green, mushroom brown, navy, mustard yellow, and deep maroon. These types of women tend to run in packs of two women leaders with multiple animal pack members. They usually travel in large pick up trucks, stylish pant suits, and quickly to Birkenstock sales. There is no class of the potato lesbian, as they cross most economic boarders. However, rarely do they dip below middle class. Examples are as followed; Hillary Clinton, Jan Brewer, my aunt Cathy, and the entire lady's softball league in Trenton New Jersey.

Rachel Maddow will one day transform from a Power Lesbian into a Potato Lesbian.

by PotatoLez December 22, 2014

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charlie potatoes

Of a male, to strut around like you have a roll of carpet under each arm thinking you are the dog's bollocks. Usually applied to spotty little chav bastards who take any eye contact to mean 'you have a problem'.

"Look at that cider drinking cunt over there acting like he's Charlie Potatoes"

by Taylor Durden June 1, 2004

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