A popular HBO television series which lasted for three seasons, from 1998 to 2000. It featured comedic, albeit horrifying, medical mishaps as well as testimonies from those who endured them. Seasons 1 and 2 were hosted by Bill Cosby, whereas the final season was hosted by Steve-O. The producers have since moved on to the successful FOX programs "House" and "Bones."
Did you see last night's episode of Re-Attach My Balls Please!?
13๐ 4๐
French for penis fart. During sexual intercourse when air gets trapped in penis and sounds like a fart.
when you are having sex, and you hear a noise that sounds like a woopie cusion.
woman: what was that noise ??
man: I think i just re-jam pom-pomed
3๐ 11๐
Verb - When you are eating chips with dip and dont have enough of one quantity so you change the amount of dip you put on a chip
I was eating nachos and has a little bit of cheese left and a lot of nachos so i had to re-evaluate chip dip and then i finished my nachos and cheese at the same time.
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"Hey do you use 16:9 res?"
-"No i am not 16:9 res fag like t4gg3d!"
3๐ 8๐
people in warcraft invented this saying. It means It was a good game of warcraft but I do not wish to rematch you. Please? ok. Thank you
l33t clan PoWR pwnage j00 n00b0rZ!!
17๐ 37๐
Literally, " The thing, itself, speaks, at first face. "
An ideal of hermeneutics which insists that the logical foundation for an interpretation should be the most straightforward, most obvious, most logical, most self-evident reading which one would most likely assume from a text when taking it as it comes to one, or reading it as it as, in it's own terms and in its own words, at face value.
Ideally it is an attempt to read a text with fresh wide-open eyes, free from prejudices and preconceptions and all outside influences; as if reading it for the first time, with no foreknowledge, thereof. Ideal in theory but likely impossible in practice.
Further elaborations should be built upon this foundation if and only if sound, valid, objective, and logical reasons exist to support such deviations.
Your intrepretation seems contrived and doesn't fit well with the spirit of res ipsa loquitur prima facie.
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How you guys doin' today?
Hell yeah we're the best!
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