An annoying 7 year old kid who annoys people on Xbox. His YouTube is Sammy Stevenson Squeaking/Trolling.
"That Sammy Stevenson kid is annoying" - Countless Xbox COD players
a girl who fool you trick you with her lies of faithfulness and she demands qualitys in her man that she doesn't poses herself ,hipocrit, stubborn, lies and is selfish but not al the doesn't like to share her money or her man ,however she may not be as loyal as she demands ,but an easy girl to spend time with but may change her mind and run of at the blink of an eye ,,ausie raper Cheapie nails her person in a song which sammi is bound to like EVIL BITCH
sammi rennee being defined as loyalty ,honesty ,respect must be given to sammi, just dontr leave her unattended for to long she wil come up with a fictional story, being defined and loyalty,honesty,respect wil go flying out the window along with her underwear, if they haven't already
someone who is a savage at night and a sweetheart at day; someone you wouldn't want to miss out chilling with
tommy- Hey wanna do something tonight?
bobby- idk are you trying to be like sammy hydro?
tommy- who doesn't wanna be like sammy hydro?
Someone sexy who is, intelligent and super ambitious.
“He was such a Christian Sammie Dawes”
a fucking dick that nobody likes i mean at all she is horrible and unloved jk
Sammy puppy is the best pupper out there. I love my Sammy puppy. Sam in general is the best person you’ll ever meet. 100 % guaranteed. He is so kind caring and loyal and wants nothing but the best for you. His smile will kill you in an instant. It’s so contagious and his laugh will make your day. He lights up a room and everyone LOVES him. His hair is so fluffy and amazing. If very tempting to play with. He has the most beautiful brown eyes that you can just get lost in all day. He is so loving and VERY ROMANTIC. Once you open him up, you’ll find it to be completely worth it as his love for you is unconditional and he will never judge you. You can trust him with all your secrets and whenever he isn’t around you won’t feel complete as a person. You need a Sam in your life. If you have one KEEP HIM.
Sammy puppy is the best baby boy I know🥰