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Shadow Pirate Ninjitsu

The ultimate and unheard of combat style that combines the power, skill and drunkenness of the pirates with the silent, deadly assassination skills of the ninja.

''have you heard of Shadow Pirate Ninjitsu?'' ''No, no one has, but it sounds awesome!''- Conversation overheard before both where quickly silenced.

by skyhunter70 December 14, 2011

5 week shadow

The patchy,inconsistent and predominantly fluffy growth that builds up on the face in the awkward period when a male (or female, but let's hope not)first begins shaving.

The long, half whispy, half stubbly patches of a five week shadow are unsightly, but hardly seem worth shaving off.

"Damn dude you got some serious 5 week shadow! When you gonna clean that patchy shit up?"

"I dunno man. I was thinking in a week or two it'd be worth shaving"

by Skinzzz September 3, 2008

5 o'cock Shadow

When a male doesn't wish to look baby smooth on his undercarriage so he leaves a very short defining stubble. Such as 5 o'clock shadow, but for his Zamboni.

Friend: Hey man don't you have that date tonight?
You: Yeah i do!
Friend: Better shave up in case she wishes to examine your crime scene...don't go overboard though.
You:No worries i already have the 5 o'cock shadow going.
Friend: Bro?
You: Bro!

by Mr. The Saint February 5, 2012

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A condition of stubble stasis which leaves a man with a perpetual 1/4 inch growth of grey protobeard. Known to afflict aging quarterbacks and Just for Men models.

One morning, Matt woke up with a Favre-o'clock-shadow. He looked in the mirror and he knew he was old.

by Stuey B November 30, 2008

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the habitual shadow farter

This is a form of antisocial behavior and can be generally characterized as a lack of adherence to the social standards that allow members of a group to temporarily mingle close knit peaceably. Individuals with the habitual shadow farting disorders are responsible for about 75% of all the ventriloquized farts committed, though they make up only about five percent of the population. Most of those with the habitual shadow farter disorder are male. Of the females that account for a smaller portion, most are not stinky. This individual often is in a state of denial , cutting the cheese and repositioning his or her self away from the point of passing it, and often blaming another member of the group for his or hers transgressions.

Stay tuned for Dr. Phil, and the habitual shadow farter interview.

by jeffbo May 26, 2009

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Valley of the Shadow of Death

The Valley of the Shadow of Death is a place where soldiers fight to the death and are protected by god above. God Save The Marines

Semper Fidelis

Today, we enter the Valley of the shadow of death. Men will die. Dead or Alive, We will leave no-one behind. I will be the first to step on the field and the last to step off.

by blackhawk815 November 7, 2005

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3 day shadow

Much like 5 o'clock shadow, but for those who have just started shaving, and their beard/mustache/sideburns have not become thick enough to develop by 5 o'clock, but 3 days later. It would have the same length after 3 days as a fully developed beard would have by 5 o'clock.

Jim: Hey Bob, you've gotta nice mustache, what'd you grow that today?

Bob: LOL, oh no, its just my 3 day shadow. I've gotta shave it again today.

by Cockslappin' since '94 June 4, 2010

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