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Signs of a osteopath

Inflated self esteem
• Really can't accept the fact that they have bad in them
• they see theirseif as the best
• Showing symptoms of asocial behaviors
• Confusion about identity

Signs of a osteopath

by 459395 April 24, 2022

spiderman sign

The spidey hand gesture means "I love you" in ASL (American sign language)

Yo he did the spiderman sign in their insta story he must love her

by January 19, 2023

Peace sign k den

When yo homie say something or when you see something kinda dumb or hurtful to you (to preform the action of “peace sign k den, make a peace sign, then spread your middle and index fingers as far apart as possible, open your eyes wide and stare at them after you say: “peace sign k den”)

Alex: “Garry you are dumb
Garry: “Peace sign k den”

by Alex bobalex April 6, 2018

Deadman's Co-sign

**Deadman's Co-Sign**

_An artist in the music industry using the death of another artist to capitalize on their legacy for personal benefit._

**Common Motives:**

- Growing their brand
- Increasing streaming numbers and album sales
- Generating sympathy or good publicity

**Common Methods:**

- Releasing music featuring or remixing the deceased artist's work
- Purchasing or obtaining rights to incomplete projects of the late artist, then revising and distributing them as collaborations
- Publicly pretending to be deeply affected or grieving, resulting in sympathy streams or positive press

1. "I feel like it's mad disrespectful that XXXTENTACION didn't even know Lil Nas X before he passed, and yet Lil Nas X still used him for the Deadman's Co-Sign."

2. "It's pathetic that Drake really thought he'd get the Deadman's Co-Sign off 2Pac by using his AI voice model in the diss track on Kendrick."

by Worgrimm January 22, 2025

dude with sign

A cool person (a.k.a. dude) that gives a strong voice to the suppressed feelings of the mass by holding up cardboard containing expressions and thoughts with a profoundly deep meaning that could not have been expressed better. A dude with sign is a man of focus, commitment and sheer f**king will.

Person 1: “Oh God, why are people so extra with these trends on Instagram? I hate it, but I can’t say anything coz everyone’s doing it…”

Person 2: “Thanksgiving is coming up and I just want to tell me aunt to shut the f**k up while I cook. How do I do that politely?”

Person 3: “How do you pronounce Pecan Pie?”

Dude with Sign: “Hold my beer.”

by Desi Tony Stark November 27, 2021

cheerleading or co-signing

Giving your opinion when your not part of the conversion. ....when its neither wanted nor needed.

The guy piped up from the peanut gallery with some shit that had nothing to do with what we were taking about, then someone shouted "hey fucko, we don't need any cheerleading or co-signing! "

by Wooderbone March 28, 2017

A Fish Truck Sign

A kind of person that tries hard but may fail horribly.

That guy, he is a fish truck sign right? Well, he is doing his best...

by CosmicFish October 15, 2018