Once there was a token called WIF, a dog with a hat. But who put a hat on dog? $NOHAT came and removed the hat, because why would you put a hat on a dog.
bro, the hat stays off
hat stays off man
Sunglasses (typically worn indoors) specifically to conceal the eyes and the signs of drug influence, such as redness, light sensitivity, dilation, pinning, inability to focus on a single visual stimulus, inability to not focus on a single visual stimulus.
Him: I'm pretty sure they are doing drugs at work!
Her: What makes you say that?
Him: They are twitchy all the time and are always wearing those stay highs.
The act of being or acting like a chode, (small, chubby-like penis). Usually a form of criticism towards one-another.
Tony: Lex! You're shirt is tight breh!
Lex: Fuck you Tony, stay choded..
arthur: Buster, are you a fucking rabbitt?
Buster: Arthur, your book series is gay.. now stay choded
(1) A phrase to express the isolation policy of social distancing.
(2) stay in your place or you'll get in trouble
Police policy for quarantine is "Stay put or be kaput"
They'll fee you up to $5,000 if they catch you outside without a mask.
Ports hell runs me
Stay Darling luvs Ports hell so much
White, upper or upper-middle class female. Has strong opinions on, well pretty much everything. Opinions, while strong, are based more on privilege than fact. Will have vacant, crazy eyed stare. May also consider themselves a "Dog-Mom". Likely to post opinions on social media for attention, supported with little basis in reality. Stay at Home Mommy will often respond to debate with "as-if, or what-ev, as she is likely too damn stupid to engage in intelligent debate. An adult referring to themselves as a "Mommy" will have nothing of any substance to contribute to conversation as they are clearly disconnected from reality, have no fear and are potentially a total dip shit, cancer to society and a true step backward in the advancement of society in general. Avoid at all costs.
I'm a Stay at Home Mommy, and you now know all you need to know about the validity of anything I'm about to say next.