A disgraceful rebel city on Starsider, populated by the Trinity PA. This city is the least powerful rebel city on the server.
an expression for drinking a shitload of alcohol
We are gona pour the city tonight!
When a group of attractive females are grouped together in one location.
"Look at how many hot girls are at this party right now! We're in Jawn City!"
A young (wannabe) professional living in London who likes to indulge in the City life but can barely makes ends meet due to the high living costs.
Toddler: Daddy, why is that man lying in the street?He smells like wee and has chocolate on his face?
Father: That's MJ son. He spent too many years as a City Scraper.........and I don't think that's chocolate
someone of the city, who loves the city is at home in the city and hates the country. usually takes public transportation. knows how to get anywhere on a bus/subway/whathaveyou... is definetly NOT a yuppy and is defiently NOT preppy in anyway. frequents parties and is known to be rather mellow. mostly ranges from ages 13-27.
the city pigeon knows this city like the back of his hand! (--better than that but that is the customary expression--once your think about it, you dont really know the back of your hand very well at all--at least i dont)
Skank city is a skating rink in Westminster, Colorado called skate city. It is called skank city because it is known for the skanks that hang out there on Friday nights.
"Let's go to skank city Friday"
"Nah man I ain't tryna be around all those skanks"
Best stage in the Hero Story of SA2.
City Escape Classic is so good bro.