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North Grenville

Home of Lüdwig Węnęl VanHeisenburg Hof the 7th

North Grenville! Isn’t that where Lüdwig lives.

by Lüdwig April 4, 2018

The Deep North

The northern latitudes of Australia. States in the Deep North are generally poorer, hotter, more humid, more conservative, and more prone to cyclones than its more poleward cousins. In the USA, this would be called the Deep South.

A: "I can't believe my fellow Queenslanders voted against gay marriage."
B: "That's what you get when you live in the Deep North."

by Matti! Matti! Matti! September 13, 2013

North Haven

North Haven is a small town in the heart of Southern Connecticut. The town is mostly made up of Italians who tend to consume a diet of Longhini sausages. The men of the town love wearing white tank tops, which are commonly referred to as "wife beaters" and the woman wear lots of fake designer such as Foui Vuiton and Fucci. Popular names in the town are Anthony/Tony, Giovanni, Nick/Nico and Matt. Girl names popular in the town are Gina, Gianna, Nicolina, Juliana, Sophia and Alana. Dads in the town are typically plumbers, staunch catholics, and follow rec basketball standings religiously. Many people own pick up trucks and are members of the NRA.

Oh, you are from North Haven?
I wonder if you live in a McMansion with a decrepit boat in your backyard.

by January 28, 2021

North It Up

Head north.
Part of a group of phrases, for the cardinal directions: north it up, westwise it, eastify it and southernate.

judy: Which way from here? North or south?
sam: We've gotta go north.
judy: Okay, then let's north it up.

by chryckie January 8, 2014

north canada

(1) The continent also known as "North America".

The US is located in North Canada.

by ForkForkFork September 26, 2018

Raid the North

Canada's longest-running wilderness adventure racing series

I'm training for Raid the North

by RaidtheNorth February 5, 2010

North Shore

The North Shore of Chicago consists of many wealthy towns such as Glencoe, Wilmette, Northbrook, Highland Park, Kenilworth, Glenview, Evanston, Deerfield. Here, mothers drive their Honda Odyssey's or Toyota Sienna's while the fathers drive around expensive BMW's, Mercedes, Lexus's, etc. This part of Chicago is known for its wealth and unique culture. Families spend thousands of dollars a year for their child to be physically active. Typically, teens are carrying their JUULS and other vaping devices around. Teen girls are always on top of the latest fashion trend and as if the $650+ iPhone isn't enough, you have to have the $100 Apple charging case that chips within the first week so you can show off that phone in Snapchats or on Instagram! Additionally, education is a priority and everyone at some point or another can be found crying in their room over a math test! Not all people are rich and rude by the way. Although we hella judge one another, we are all a community! Also, homecoming and turnabout are an excuse to party so hard and waste money on party buses and limos even though they're super fun trust me. To add on, going down to the city is a popular activity. However, we don't take public transportation because...ew. Instead, we carpool with friends that have the nicest BMW out of all of us! Love living here, no complaints!

David is the most north shore person I know!

by XXXAtencion September 11, 2017