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Sting Ring

When you have eaten too much spicy food, and later when defecating your anus feels like it has been lit on fire.

"Damn, that habanero salsa gave me Sting Ring"

by Trinkles January 13, 2012

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o rings

a black plastic ring that slips in between a paintball guns c02 tanks, and where it screws into the gun. Acts as a "seal" so no c02 escapes.

My o rings broke and air is leaking from my tank.

by Shayz0r December 25, 2005

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Chili Ring

Post-anal-coital activity involving consuming the residue around the anus, including blood, fecal matter and several other fluids.

That girl is so hot, i would so chili ring her.

For my birthday, i want to chow down on a chili ring.

by The Chili Ringer November 20, 2009

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niggers ring

when someone is reyt shady and leaves you the last bit near the filter on the cigs.

"Oi oi i dont want niggers ring either oreyt?!?!"

by ChloeBbz2k7 June 7, 2007

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Ringing Silence

When it is silent and a really loud ringing noise goes off in your brain. It may be caused by exposing your earlobes to very loud noises, such as music or television.

Teacher: Everyone, please be quiet while taking your test!
Billy: Owwww!
Teacher: WHAT? I said NO talking!
Billy: It was so loud!
Teacher: Oh, you must have heard the "ringing silence"

by AwesomeMikeC November 28, 2007

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Lounge ring

A fictional term made up by bader bader bader to describe the notion that a tongue ring on a male typically signifies he's gay. Lounge originates from the gay lounges so evident in Rochester, New York which are heavily populated by men with tongue rings

Taxman Greg totally has a lounge ring. He loves to go down on dudes

by big kraut July 16, 2008

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cluster ring

A ring made up of many little stones that are fused into some huge shiny "exploding" shape, such as a star, a heart, a circle'diamond/square/, and even a (yuck! how mainstream!) flower. The cooler shapes are now worn by some very "on-the-edge" punk rockers/indie people/freaks.

I bought a multicolored glass cluster ring in the form of a green and red diamond.

by marla x0 April 9, 2005

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