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Mariah Carey's 1997 studio album, that helped completely transform her image for the general public. An iconic piece of art.

"Butterfly is beyond iconic at this point"
"I know! Imagine being able to write and sing songs like "The Roof", only Mariah could do it"

by snesmat January 12, 2021


when two penins’ one curved left and the other curved right are on the side of a straight penis.

I have a straight penis, you have a left curved and he has a right curved therefore we created a butterfly.

by Jamari D White May 26, 2021


A word to explain if a girl is h0rny

“he hugged me from behind and called me princess, it gave me butterflies 😩”

by sadisticsadie March 9, 2022


The feeling you get either when your in the presents of someone you love or it could be when your extremely anxious and hate everything but some times some people have never felt it; it feels like knots in your stomach and sometimes you cant breath or speak or even move but other times you cant stop smiling or blushing or laughing or just staring at them

Love: Hey have you ever felt butterflies when your around me?
Lover: idk what butterflies mean
Love: the feelings you get when someone you love is in the room or even if your thinking of them and thats the way im talking about
Lover: whats the other way?

Love: when you get extremely anxious and feels like knots are in your stomach
Lover: oh, I dont think i know how either feels to be honest
Love: oh okay well i feel them around you...

by lynz_lol November 24, 2021


A nickname used to represent eyelash extensions and fake lashes

Oh no! Joannas butterflies are coming off.

by Er3sed April 4, 2024


Something a girl gives you every time you two talk

Diji: Every time Aaliyah and I talk, I get butterflies

Bob: wow, you must really like this girl

by _diji_ August 8, 2019


One of the best sex positions out there

Some guy :"I did Stacy last night".
Other guy: " really"?
Some guy: "yeah we did the butterfly, one of the best positions".

by My PEEEEEEEEEEEEE PEEEEEE September 13, 2017