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Orange clit

The female version of blue balls.

I am so horny I've got orange clit.

by Katie_killah February 16, 2016

Rotten orange

A slut in shakespearian times

I bought an hour with a rotten orange last night keaddd

by Keadddd October 23, 2018

Clockwork Orange

Classic london rhyming slang for insanity.

Person A: "What's wrong with that bloke over there"?

Person B: "Mate he's as daffy as a clockwork orange"

by Egan Wilks March 12, 2022

Orange Cream

Cream made of orange. Seriously, why are you searching this up, let alone on urban dictionary, what, did you think it was related to sexual acts? Well yes actually, Orange Cream is used to lather up the ol' John Dory for a good time. It's also good for vitamin C intake, especially for your southern hemisphere, if you get what I'm saying.

Orange cream is great for my vitamin C supplements!

by _Dinka_ March 18, 2019

Orange Cookie

Something that is totally cool and boss

origin: deriving from the fortune cookie you receive at the end of a Chinese American meal, however this object has developed into an adjective

Damn that English test was totally orange cookie!

by t@dd March 15, 2023

The Orange Army

Max Verstappen’s Dutch fans.
A.k.a the best f1-fans in the world ;)

They are easily spotted in the crowd by their orange attire.
They are called the ‘orange’ army because dutchies love the orange colour and they always dress in orange clothing. Many fans of the orange army (illegally) take flares (/ Bengaals vuur) to the track to colour the sky orange (which looks absolutely wild).

A lot of members of the orange army follow Max all around the world. Especially in Europe, there are always dutchies everywhere. But even in Qatar they turn the stands orange.
Their favourite song is ‘Super Max!’ by the Pitstop Boys, who are btw also Dutch. It’s a very catchy song that goes: MAX MAX MAX SUPER MAX MAX SUPER SUPER MAX MAX MAX SUPER MAX MAX …

A new favourite song might be ‘33 Max Verstappen’ by Carte Blanq, also very catchy. This song is often sung by non-Redbull-fans as well and is also used in lots of memes. It goes like this: TU TU TUTU MAX VERSTAPPEN…

Side note: shouldn’t be confused with the papaya fans (mclaren fans), they also love the orange colour.

Wow, look at the stands, they are completely orange!
It must be The Orange Army.

We can’t see the track, there is too much orange smoke!
It’s because we’re in Zandvoort, The Netherlands and all the dutchies brought flares.

by CHARLOTTE<3C2 October 9, 2023

singing orange

This means you are in love with James V. and listen to the song "Big Girls Don't Cry" too often. This also means that you have weird dreams and your emo/goth friends do not approve of the guys you like and tend to make fun of you for it.
But then it turns out one of these friends is madly in love with him. Basically, what comes around goes around.

Nat M. smells clothes and can tell what JV is wearing from them!!! The next day, she has a dream about the singing orange.

by claus287 April 8, 2009