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Tiktok has no talent

And tiktok who wants people dead, and said the n word in front of STKA, also being disrespectful to anti superlitkids, and says “go_killyourself”

House 1: tiktok has no talent: go kill your self
Kid: No

by Ihatesuperlitkids01 May 29, 2023

Tiktok canzer

Pronounced TikTok K-A-N-Z-A

Temporarily loss of judgement when using social media.

A young TikTok addict who is easily influenced by tiktok challenges even when they are dangerous.

If challenged to burn themselves they do it no question asked.

TikTok famous person: makes a video explaining how she’s almost 20 and never sneaked out of the house.
Gen Z teen: that makes sense! I should do the same before I reach 20 too.

Observer: hmm they must have been infected by the tiktok canzer

Proceeds to sneak out and hope for the best.

by Tiktokcanzer January 14, 2023

I did my dance one time on TikTok and went viral with it

A meme/song lyric.

Drake: I did my dance one time on TikTok and went viral with it. Uh uh, uh uh.
The guy recording him: Geez, are you busting a move or busting a nut?

Dog: I did my dance one time on TikTok and went viral with it!
(Proceeds to hump mop)

by MalumLibrum958 July 3, 2022

TikTok Homo

Something you call a homo who uses TikTok, but sometimes TikTok users are gay sissies in general.

"Oh man! Look at this hot big bank."
"What? You're a simp and a TikTok Homo at the same time."

by RedditLover69 March 26, 2022

leohatesuuu on tiktok

He is amazing and the most prettiest boy ever he is loving and kind and will always be thier but never leave him hanging bc he deserves everything in the world and makes me so happy he is the best person in the world and I love him with all my heart -Ellieth 😮💨

leohatesuuu on tiktok is amazing -Ellieth

by leohatesuuu on tiktok October 16, 2021

leohatesuuu on tiktok

He is amazing and the most prettiest boy ever he is loving and kind and will always be thier but never leave him hanging bc he deserves everything in the world and makes me so happy he is the best person in the world and I love him with all my heart -Ellieth 😮💨

leohatesuuu on tiktok is amazing -Ellieth

by leohatesuuu on tiktok October 16, 2021

TikTok Moderation

B@$ic@lly y0u h@ve t0 c3ns0r ev3ryt#!ng, ev3n !f !t i$ ju$t @ t!ny b!t rvd3 0r n@ug#ty. Ev3n w0rds th@t ar3n't 0ff3ns!ve @re b@nn3d.

I had to censor "pain" because it is banned on TikTok. TikTok Moderation is very terrible.

by rest-stop-999 April 18, 2024