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Toilet games

Those stupid app games that you only play because you're bored on the toilet.

Guy 1: Hey man you tried that new golf phone game?
Guy 2: Yeah! That's one of my toilet games! Lol

by Karab okama August 11, 2019

Toilet Nazi

A person who obsesses about the toilet habits of others, like how long they spend in there or how much bog roll they leave behind when finished.

My roommate is a complete toilet nazi, whatever I do, seat up , seat down, too much bog roll, too little bog roll, it's always wrong.

by afod February 14, 2017

toilet clams

The cling-ons left over when flushing alone doesn't remove everything from the bowl.

I flushed and flushed but the toilet clams wouldn't disappear and she didn't have a bowl brush; it was so embarrassing!

by DriftPenalty November 5, 2017

toilet massage

when your pet cat is on your back purring while you are taking a shit.

I had an epic toilet massage this morning before leaving for work

by cavemaneyebrows July 19, 2017

toilet burger

a burger that had been dunked in the toilet

vic: ok breakfast is ready!

joe: *eats all the pancakes*



joe 2:
vic: ok fine we’re having toilet burgers now *grabs burgers and dunks them in the toilet*

by drop of dawn & grease is gone December 4, 2018

toilet halo

also known as a potty protector.

This is the round ring of paper to put on top of the public toilet seat so that your bum does not come in contact with said seat.

If you are going to use a public restroom - you better hover or use a toilet halo!

by CheekyBottom July 26, 2009

toilet table

The worst table in a restaurant, usually next to the toilet door.

"I can't believe we booked my birthday dinner six months ahead and still got given the toilet table!"

by THETOILETTABLE March 24, 2016