The Tibetan Butt Trumpet is when you get ripped with your friends and only have enough cash for some Taco Bell. Whoever passes out first gets a kazoo shoved in their ass and you all laugh like maniacs when they start to fart humming squeezing noises.
Walt came over with s bottle of Jack and we all killed it doing shots. Mike Z passed out dead drunk after 23 shots and 7 1/2 bean burritos. Jackson shoved a kazoo in his asshole and within twenty minutes he was playing a symphony on the Tibetan Butt Trumpet
The act of farting while receiving a blowjob and the women putting her hand over the asshole to make the waa waa sound.
Melissa is a trooper, when I farted while she was blowing me, she gave me a Memphis Trumpet.
A publicly loud fart. Usually contains follow through.
Ralph released his trumpet of patriots loud, free and unsurprisingly, he'd shat himself.
The rancid and boisterous flatulence resulting from a late night Taco Bell frenzy sometimes compounded by heavy drinking, which is usually the impetus of a fast food craving. Tonal ranges of a Taco Bell Trumpet are similar to that of the actual brass instrument of the same namesake.
See also: blowing bubbles in the mashed potatoes
I'm sure the broccoli soup at the craft beer festival didn't help, but those those cheesy gordita crunches really got me playing the Taco Bell Trumpet this morning.
A Scottish trumpet is when one blasts several consecutive farts in a row without stopping.
Mariarose and Danielle loved to hear sounds and smell of the Scottish trumpet playing
The most genius explanation of D
Well well, Ducky Trumpet has some fishy ideas... like, FLIP DA TABLE!!!
Yet another name for an erect penis
My GF came around last night and noshed on my Junket Trumpet