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wrong syndrome

When there is multiple layers of proof in an argument against someone and they still refuse the fact that they are wrong.

"You are wrong because you said this in this clip" "NO I am not" "stop having wrong syndrome"

by TAC0CATS June 12, 2022

That's just wrong

When something is just wrong.

Person: So what's her deal?
Colleague: Oh, she's afraid of long words.
Person: You know what we should call it? Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia!
Colleague: That's just wrong.

by ConsoleCoder February 19, 2023

This shit's fucking wrong

YEAH!? It fucking seems like that doesn't it? SEEMS FUCKING LIKE THAT DOESN'T IT THEO!? ARE THEY HITTING YOU WITH THE ARTIFICIAL SCHIZOPHRENIA YET THEO VON? ARE THEY DOING THAT? WELL THEN QUIT BITCHING BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE HAVE IT WAAAAAY WORSE THAN YOU, DON'T THEY? Not allowed to complain if people have it worse than you. Don't you know that? If you watch Joe Rogan then SURELY you already know that!

Hym "That's an eloquent way of putting it Theo Von. 'This shit's fucking wrong *WHEN IT FUCKING HAPPENS TO ME' But you didn't have a problem with it until 19 fucking hours ago did you? OOOOOH YEAH! YOU'RE STANDING UP FOR ALL THE OTHER PODCASTERS NOW! THEO VON! CHAMPION OF PODCASTER'S RIGHTS! See that!? He's doing the thing I'm doing except way after the fact and he's a part of a group of people who have been doing it to me! Look at him go. It's that funny? Isn't that funny, Joe Rogan? When a millionaire podcaster is complaining about getting cut out of millions of dollars? Isn't that funny? HE SHOULD HAVE WATCHED HIS WORDS JOE! You think? You think that's what he should have done? Watched his fucking mouth? Is that it? So brave! He's really sticking his neck out there for everyone isn't he? πŸ‘ŒSo braveπŸ‘Œ Bravery the likes of which the world has never seen. Let's all give a round of applause for Theo πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ There you go. A round of applause for defending everyone's rights Theo. Take that to the bank you fucking prick."

by Hym Iam September 7, 2023

spanking the wrong oval

1) Wank for 10minutes

2) Get Drunk

3) Have a One night stand
4) Get kicked out your house by your wife

5) Repeat This over and over again

i was spanking the wrong oval for 2 weeks

by Real Wanker 010101011 November 26, 2016

you reposted in the wrong gang

LiKE A bUrNiNg sUnSeT dOO dOo dOO dOooo dO



narancia: laughs at a dude that's being tortured then does sick dance
Mista: confused then joins in
Them: dances epically
The homies: you reposted in the wrong gang

by Llamajjba September 8, 2020

Your In the Wrong place

Missed a funny or bizarre situation or event that you wish someone had witnessed

It's so funny, you should be here - your in the wrong place

by Spacecadet 69 July 7, 2021

Wrong send

When you're in DMs with someone and accidentally send the message to the wrong person. Like accidentally sending something to your BFF when you meant it for your crush.

(in DMs with BFF)

"hey, so i was thinking about our relationship..."

"oh my god you're in a relationship with me"

"shit wrong send" (deletes messages)

by slaptheBASS March 31, 2022