When you chain up an old man that’s near death, and than proceed to have gay anal sex with him until he demise; once he is dead you than put a straw into his anal cavity and proceed to drink the sperm out of his anus, once this is complete you than put the straw into his nose and drink his mucus
Man 1: yeah dude i went the retirement home and nabbed an old guy hand pulled a Gay Zombie
Man 2: I’m calling the cops
A term to describe a person didn't sleep on sunday.
Phil: Hey Jim
Jim: Yeah Phil
Phil: Did you see Bob?
Jim: Yeah
Phil: whats up with him today?
Jim: oh he didn't sleep last night
Phil: Oh he's a Monday Zombie
A band that has changed it's core members and artistic vision to the point where the name and brand are now compromised by people that had little or nothing to do with the original lineup.
Larry & the Gang has become such a zombie band since the departure of Larry.
A marijuana term. A zombie bowl is two (or more) pieces of previously smoked marijuana that are put together in a pipe/bong to be smoked for the last time.
"Dude we're out of weed"
"It's cool, I have some ash, we can pack a zombie bowl."
When you hear someone coughing and think it sounds like something that could start the Zombie Apocalypse.
Last night I went to the store and everyone was Zombie Coughing and had to get out of there before I caught the plague.
Late to the party fangirls who develop a crush on dead musicians.
Jennifer just discovered Kurt Cobain and has been dreaming of their wedding ever since. She's convinced that Courtney Love killed him and he would have been better off with her cause she understand him better than anyone else. She's fullblown Zombie Groupie if I ever saw one
An alternate name for "Bath salts" (as in the drug). Coined after the rush of "zombie attacks" in the news attributed the drug.
Zombie rocks, they'll make you eat face.