An good CP bio lab partner, he looks at cars with you and phones, also making the most expensive things on websites. And is very nice, has cold hands but fails class with you.
My lab partner is a Samuel Potts
An extremely goofy and hot guy.
Samuel smisek just kakad me
A very cool teacher who makes fun out of his kids but secretly likes them. He likes jackets and shoes.
Someone who is refered to have Samuel Syndrome is also often refered to someone who is or can be "zesty".
If you have this disorder please contact medical profesinals professionals.
Someone who has this disorder likes to call you zesty names and changes letters and such in words.
You have samuel syndrome get help!
heres some exampels of what someone whit this disorder can say:
Okie Dokie
Gralen Bralen
pookie malookie
snoopie doopie
natt natt/ Nighty Nighty
cuddly whit meeee
snoopy doopy