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Cameron McNeil

Well, where do I start? He is one sexayyyyyy boi. He’s had his fair share of the ladiez. He likes em frisky, Christian and with a heart beat quicker than Usain Bolt ;) However, dont venture off into the gardening section of B and Q, because that’s his pimp palace (if you know what I mean). He’s a drummer, make of that what you will, but all in all...top shagger.

Child: Mother, who is that chav in the Adidas tracksuit.

Mother: Darling, don’t worry, that’s just our local Cameron Mcneil - he’s not that hard.

by Rhodognator101 August 29, 2019

cameron clan

A clan of high standing who worship the holy Cameron, maker of all things good and lunch related. You must ejaculate on seven golden geese and present their eggs to the clan headmaster in order to gain membership. Their rivals are the Colton Colt, the most well known mathmatical scholars in all the land.

I am but two geese away from gaining membership to the Cameron Clan.

by Puppypenetration November 18, 2013

Cameron Pesce

Cameron is a basketball player and is kinda trustworthy and has a gf that is VERY nice

Cameron Pesce shut up you stupid poopy butt head!

by Itz ya boi fish100500 October 14, 2018

Cameron anselmo

Time lord and the embodiment of death itself

I'm kinda feeling like Cameron Anselmo right now

by Cameroń May 27, 2021

Cameron Gable

The hottest girl in the world. She loves to laugh, talk, and get good grades. Once she falls for someone, she cant get over him. She has lots of friends and is very sporty. If you ever find a person named Cameron Gable, keep her. She's amazing.

Cameron Gable is the best friend you could ever have!

by Juniper Jones May 17, 2013

Ewen Cameron

a big dick happy boi :)

idiot: Is that streaming legend Lylium72, aka Ewen Cameron?!
chad: yep. and he's one big dick happy boi, i'll tell you hwat. ;D

by BigNoodleEnergy November 9, 2021

Cameron Couillard

Yung Swanks real identity. He spits bars, which makes up for the way he runs. He wobbles as if a penguin that had sex with a t-rex and he came out. He's a good guy tho.

"Y is that kid running like that?"
"Looks like Cameron Couillard!"

by Red Smiy November 13, 2019