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brook landers

Another term for "Beached Whale"

Look at the Brook Landers over at the beach.

by xXx360 FaZe Lamp 720xXx 420 December 8, 2015

brooks dick

Something that will make you the most satisfied human being on planet earth he/she

I want brooks dick in me.

by October 1, 2021

TJ Brooks

Closeted gay dude who tries to act all Brooks Brothers when he lowkey TJ Maxx

Check out TJ Brooks doing another TikTok dance.

by dahGOAT April 14, 2022

samuel brooks

The best person who ever lived

Samuel Brooks is Jesus reincarnated

by PakeJaul January 26, 2018

brooke jeans

A Brooke Jeans is usually super fabulous, funny, and super bhad. She loves to ft all the time, but she doesn’t all her attention :’( but it’s ok because she makes up for it in sex. She’s super kinky and a freak.

Brooke Jeans wanted to have sex four times last night.

by NotAStonerr June 13, 2020

Brooke Polkinghorne

this is a term to describe someone who is very popular and is worshiped by all Asians and has puffy hair. Brooke is also the best yodeller in the word she is also very talented in the arts of sing dancing and many many others. Brooke wants to be a daycare teacher when she grows up but that is just a disguise as she really is a super secret and sexy spy who saves the world on a daily basis with her AMAZING skills 😎

She also is in love with Zac Efron and will marry him In the following year to come.

I want to be a Brooke Polkinghorne when I grow up mummy.

by Xnetha is a banana April 13, 2019


hi_im..brooke is a wonderful person and an amazing friend some people dont know who she is but thats okay, shes understanding and very talented in her own different ways, shes very independent and speaks her opinion, she is awesome but sometimes she can be annoying but we love her, love you brooke dont know what we would do without you<3

"hi_im..brooke is the best!"

by myloveforwilburlore July 26, 2021