A "Brother, what are you doing?" moment that is so jaw-droppingly stupid it has to be certified, memorialized, and put on a plaque. More shocking than a standard bruh moment.
John: Did you hear about how he accidentally used the toilet towel to wipe the bowls?
Mark: Yeah that's a certified bruh moment.
The type of thing you say when something is true, yet annoying or just bad. This phrase in particular can be traced back to the age of the vikings (800-1000) and some ancient documents found in the famous cave Snällajagberdigvarrolig. They used to pray in this cave, and a phrase they used to reach out to god was “bruuuh true tho”. It has been said that they brought this phrase as a part of their culture to Funnyanymoreland, which is a top secret country on an Island in the pacific sea. Many have compared Funnyanymoreland to Wakanda, since Wakanda remained secret.
Not gonna lie but your deadlift is trash! I can take the weight of a pickup x class more than you!
-bruh true tho
A standing force of Bruh Potential that accelerates or escalates within a relatively short amount of time. Typically painful when introduced to the senses of humans.
"This thread has True Bruh Momentum... like, seriously dude."
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when u and ur homie are having intense anal sex but then he shits on ur dick so he has to lick it off
*has anal sex* *guy ur having sex with shits* ay dude u messed up now u gotta bruh luh kuh
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An event which can be described as both a bruh moment and a cringe moment at the same time.
Well that was a Schrödinger’s Bruh Moment I cant decide whether to say “bruh” or “cringe”
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