When it is raining real damn hard (Australian definition)
Oh it's bloody bucketing down you gumpy spaff
The designated name for any gaming chair.
Don't lie to yourself, they are all based on racing bucket seats and you're a nerd.
It's a fuckin Nerd Bucket.
Oi, did you see franks new Nerd Bucket?
Yeah its shit, why doesn't he buy a real chair?
A bucket that has become insane and has a mind of its own, so it is defined murderous
That murderous bucket scares me
Cluster bucket = over used vagina
"hey liz can I use your cluster bucket?"
"sure its not like it's unused anyway"
The national sport of the Irish.
A game similar to cornhole, but 100% more Irish, and without the weird sounding name.
"Oi Alby, hows about a rousing game of Potato-Bucket?"
"Nah mate, I'm absolutely knackered after that last game of Guinness-Can"
Noun, person: someone who is dealing with the drought; by using water collected in a bucket from sources that would otherwise go to waste, and using the bucket to flush the toilet, less water is required
We may be storm chasers with our tornadoes here in the Midwest, but at least we are not a bunch of bucket flushers like they are in California.