Source Code

Captain Crunch Carpet

When the carpet by the side of your bed gets hard from all the jizz you ejaculate and later get rid of by smearing it on the side of the carpet. Later that morning when you step on the dry jizz it makes that CRUNCH noise.

carpet+jizz= captain crunch carpet

by Stubs714 December 15, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Laying down the Carpet

The act of laying down, or placing a single or a double segment of toilet paper on the surface of the water in the toilet bowl, in order to stop or significantly reduce "splash backs" when relieving oneself.

"I felt the urge to take the biggest crap yesterday and I was afraid I might get some splash-back, so I laid down the carpet before I initiated. 60 percent of the time, it works.... EVERY TIME!"
"Laying down the carpet saved my ass from years of shitty water splashing my asshole."

by Roogz April 10, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bulgarian Carpet Bomb

When a guy from a great height takes a watery shit all over a load of people partying

Yo Dude did you get invited to Gibbs party?

No man, but i'm gonna take a load of laxative, sneak into the rafters then give them all a Bulgarian Carpet Bomb

Woah Dude Rightgeous

by Reverend Pope May 20, 2009

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Carpet Ninja

Ninjas that hide in carpets, only slightly less prolific than other household pests, but way more deadly.

Always routinely check your carpets for carpet ninjas.

by Abe Froman, Sausage King September 16, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Darwin Carpet-bomber

An extremely difficult sexual maneuver whereby a group of men quietly sneak into the bedroom of an unsuspecting woman (or man) and proceed to masturbate over them.

The resulting noise will eventually wake the victim to a horror comparable to that of the citizens of Darwin when the city was bombed by the Japanese in 1941

"Yeah dude we're planning on doing a Darwin Carpet-bomber later on tonight - poor Joey isn't going to know what hit him"

"I woke up last night to those assholes doing a Darwin Carpet-Bomber over me"

by Maggrig February 19, 2010

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Carpet Biscuits

A narrow excretion left on ones carpet

Yo Homeboy left me carpet biscuits this mornning.

by Jnailsrelly July 10, 2008

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Carpet Cleaner

A male who eats out a female following another man ejaculating into a female.

Person 1: That dude's so beta, he ate out his girl after someone else did all the work!
Person 2: Hey man, no shame in being a carpet cleaner.

by Redd73 June 16, 2019

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