a dumb tiktok challenge about holding your breath and going unconcious, people literally died from this
That persun did the tiktok blackout challenge, hes a retard
The Zoom Challenge is when you start a video conference on Zoom and while the session is loading you do a track of cocaine before it starts.
-Damn bro I did the Zoom Challenge and almost got caught
When a person sprays spray on deodorant on your arm for as long as possible, creating a blister or bad second degree burns
Jack did the deodorant challenge and had to go to the nurses office afterwards
It's when you plug your amp and guitar up outside and play full volume, waking your neighbors up. Doesn't have to be a full song, but you must be BLASTING. Preferably done past midnight.
Neighbor: The boy next door is shredding an awesome solo right on his front porch!
911: We're on our way, ma'am. This is not the first time we've got reports of the Rockstar challenge
Taking a black dick in every oriface.
Ben said I couldn't do the philly challenge and I proved him wrong.
A challenge to make sure that people will do good. Was named after the first person to die in the Columbine shootings back in '99. Her actions were very kind and warm hearted, but that's not the real point of the challenge. It is really charging towns $25,000 or more to fail at making good people. We all know that you don't change and that we cannot be changed for any reason.
Person 1: Hey ___, you hear that the Rachel's Challenge thing is coming to our school?
Person 2: That was a waste of money our football team could've used instead.
*Tard walks by the two*
Person 2: Duh, hur, dar, I'm a tard
Person 1: *Socks Person 2 in the face* Dude, this is why we need it, because of assholes like you.
to stop talking
: LenLen Loser!
: Mag stfu challenge ka na lang sis