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Pig Fucking Chubby Chaser

A bloke who shags big ugly girls and has no shame. Even if there old enough to be his mum.
Often thinks hes "The man" or "Pimp Daddy"

Damn Knotty you sure are one pig fucking chubby chaser!!

by Higgledinian October 2, 2007

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Thirsty Little Clout Chaser

A Thirsty Little Clout Chaser will follow you everywhere and will be a thirsty obnoxious kid, they will also attempt to take clout off of you.

person 1β€œYou see that kid wearing clout next to the water boi?”

person 2 β€œYeah, what about them?”
person 1 β€œThat kid is a Thirsty Little Clout Chaser”

by GAYmer gurl October 18, 2018

South American Beaver Chaser

A South American Beaver Chaser is a lesbian (of a South American country, as the name implies) that attempts to gain U.S. Citizenship by marrying a lesbian partner.

That Columbian sure is a South American Beaver Chaser!

by slippy & farrett June 9, 2017

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Fluffy Tail Chaser

A person who chases bunnies in extremely awkward places, such as a shopping mall or a college campus. This person generally has no life, wears emo glasses and chases the bunnies because they have fluffy tails...very fluffy tails.

That fluffy tail chaser can't get any pussy so he chases bunnies.

by Namestealer September 10, 2008

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Chucky Cheese Chaser

Pedophile, Child Molester

When he was apprehended on Dateline, they found out he was already a convicted Chucky Cheese Chaser.

by Rodeeanne July 21, 2008

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Homeless homie dope hoe chaser

A homeless guy that uses drugs to lure flirty lose women in for sex or relations that can not afford to keep her due to the fact of being broke and lack there of dope

Homie homeless homie dope hoe chaser

That homie homeless dope hoe chaser is so hot but he only chases dope hoe's

by Starlightg223 September 16, 2022

wambulance chaser

Lawyers whose reason for existence is to defend the rights of privileged people who think they've been wronged by society. They tend to defend old, wealthy white men, religious zealots, and people named Karen who have been unsuccessful in their attempts to complain to a manager. Wambulance chasers are thrive on the tears of the merely inconvenienced.

May also be spelled "wahmbulance" and variations thereof.

The pastor at the local megachurch who kept ignoring COVID rules is going to court because the health authority finally shut them down. His lawyer is a real wambulance chaser.

Johnny, the local waaahmbulance chaser, just defended a dude upset because as an adult man people wouldn't hire him to be a babysitter.

by litui April 13, 2021