felatio on your dog after a long night drinking as in I was blowin chunks
Steve: Hey last night I drank way too much and went home and was blowin Chunks.
Dave: So.
Steve: No you don't understand, Chunks is my dog!!!!
A type of beautiful chunky sexy man that is incredible good at everything including zonies
Yo D-Chunk hop on some zombies with the boys
A man who is so chunky yet so sexy and beautiful and the best kinda of gamer
Yo D-Chunk, hop on fort so we can play some zonies
Two of the worst words combined in history
Get those moist chunks away from me.
A word to call somebody who is both overly social or fat
Oh why don't you shut up you Fah Chunk
a chunk of acid is when you take a knife and chop a good piece from a whole sheet
" hey , how many you tabs did you take ? "
" you know what i'm saying ? a solid chunk of acid , you know ? the ten strip doesn't do it for me , i need a nice corner piece for the send "