A name for a step dad that is way cooler than the biological father.
The children couldn’t wait to spend time with their mom and Co-Daddio. He is much more fun and comfortable to be around than their step mom and dad.
A Step Dad that is way cooler than your real Dad.
Going over Co-Daddios house is way better than being at my boring father’s house.
A paradigm which states that an object with external symmetry must by definition have internal symmetry (self-symmetry).
Specifically that there is no self-symmetry without internal dualism (contiguous dualism).
Implies that the bijective (operationally tautological) function is co-imperatively contingent (cotingent).
Self-referentializes a cotingent link between contiguity and asymmetry.
Tarski demonstrated an instance of cohomorphism by showing that all contiguous (conformal) surfaces could create a second identical surface by using points from the original conformal surface.
Co-homorphism states that metastructure is symmetric; symmetry is internal; internalism (space) is contiguity; contiguity is conformal; conformalism is bijective; bijectivity is co-imperatively contingent (cotingent); and cotingence is asymmetric.
Spouse's stepgrandnibling's husband.
approve something in a team manner so as not to speak for yourself.
i co-approve the team charter even though i am not in charge and you are still asking for my vote