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anything less than happy

she went a bit emo

by not tom "homo" kent or an emo June 1, 2009

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A purposely sullen genre of music drooled over by faceless teenagers who crave a dynamic self image by adhering to a pathetic lifestyle that represents a blatantly superficial side of human qualities and emotion.

"I'm not emo! I'm just trying to be myself, I listen to from first to last, not the used because they are mainstream!"

by 4385432lf August 15, 2005

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a gay teenager who thinks they are depressed

hey look at fred and Mary they are well emo innit!
nobody understands me, my family hates me blah blah blah blah

by argurgl August 3, 2010

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Emos officially suck. Why?

1 - They normally have well off lives, but tend to find small problems and pretend they're huge.
2 - Think they're not conformist, even though they look like all other emos (half the teen population >_>).
3 - They label themselves emo just to look cool to other kids, not because they like to.
4 - They act like they're so creative, but really they're just trying to show off how "deep" they are. PFF!!!

Emo Guy: My typical high school GF just left me. Life is pain. Ima make a poem about how roses have thorns.

Emo Girl: I miss him. I say "rawr" a lot because I think it's cute. Ima make a poem about curdling milk, because I'm just deep like that.

by (Insert Legit name here) October 18, 2009

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people who hate themselves and whine too much about the little things. their hair covers most of their face and they try to be original eventhough they arent. they cut their wrists and call everyone who calls themselves emo "posers"
but overall they are really nice people, they just have issues.

dude I'm so emo.

by zee08 November 24, 2008

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Acronym for "eat me out".

Boy: "Hey baby what you doin tonight?"
Girl: "Why don't you come over and emo?"

by glgpdw October 4, 2008

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A type of music or genre, genrally thought of as depressed & suicidal. This is not always the case, though, as many 'emo kids' are fun-loving & just like the music and the style. Often connected with scene kids.

-on youtube, search 'the losers at the mall' or 'emo fun'

by kAtEuMs yOuR pOtAtUmS March 4, 2009

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