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Biotech Engineer

Phrase used to indicate that someone in acting like a bitch while the said person is within earshot.

Comes from the fact that removing o and e spells bitch.

a similar phrase would be saying "remove the o and e" without mentioning the word biotech.

girl 1: "Oh my god, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Girl 2 to Girl 3: "biotech engineer"

Girl 1: "what?''

----also common-----
girl 2 to girl 3: "she must study biotechnology"

by IronicWaffles October 13, 2012

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Hot engineering girl

They don't exist..simple as that.

Guy: There are no hot engineering girls

Other guy: I agree

by Vagbadger August 22, 2011

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Red engine #9

When three or more girls all on their periods run a train on one guy.

Hey "Maggie, ask that guy if he wants us to run a red engine #9 on him?"

by magnoliareign August 20, 2015

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Thomas the Taint Engine

The act of first blowing a vape cloud in your partners asshole. They then fart out the cloud while bent over screaming "TOOT TOOT!" Extra points given if you sing the thomas the tank engine theme song and move your arms like a locomotive chanting "CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA CHOO CHOO!"


by railroader69 June 2, 2019

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Thomas the Tank Engine

Looks like this is the end of ole thomas the tank engine.

Thomas the tank engine is being shot down in the skysbover berlin

by Whatacunundrum September 9, 2020

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Thomas The Tank Engine

When a male with a boner runs into a female with her legs open and inserts the penis while running

Hey babe, wanna do the Thomas The Tank Engine?

by FuckMeSillyV2.69 September 21, 2019

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party like an engineer

phrase. used to describe a phenomenon where an engineering undergrad starts swearing at his friends for not pursuing his noble profession of fixing "things". side effects include swearing at names of academic institutions apart from that of his.

Engineer Z literally defined party like an engineer last night and in his post-drunkard state asked friends to sit beside him at a bus stop while he tells a story and proclaims his craving for hokkien mee

by investmentbanker1990 January 21, 2012

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