Source Code

Cockbiting Fucktard

Robin Elouard

"Rob...you are a Cockbiting Fucktard.....that is all."

by Spongebob Spliffpants August 23, 2003

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Socially fucktarded

Someone who people forget are in the conversation because they don't talk, then when they do it usually comes off as gay or weird. They live extremely dull lives because of the hatred to trying new things and hanging out with people.

They are usually extremely pale due to the lack of interaction with civilization and have been friend zoned by every love interest ever (if the socially fucktarded has talked to one).

1. Dude Jared is so socially fucktarded, I tried talking to him the other day, and he just responded with different fruit.

2. Dude Houston is such a social fucktard, I havn't seen him outside in 2 months.

by Heisenbergg December 30, 2011

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flabby fucktard

a stupid person who is really fat or in other words flabby

Hey look it’s vi!

No, dude that’s the flabby fucktard.

by beer bellied bitch August 1, 2018

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fucktard bastard

Someone who is exceedingly idiotic or moronic.

You are such a fucktard bastard, Allan!

by LoneWolf777 March 10, 2016

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quintessential fucktard

A perfect example of a fucking retard.

Barak makes bad decisions constantly on account of him being a quintessential fucktard.

by gofferballs April 11, 2014

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weird fucktard

Derogatory label that comprises the terms 'weird' and 'fucktard'. Appropriate when either label alone is deemed insufficient.

Edgar was always quite the weird fucktard back in those days. If I had to guess, I'd say he has remained largely the same in his ways, and thus remains a weird fucktard.

by Robb-a-dob February 1, 2008

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Pronunciation duhb-uhl-fuhk-tahrd

{double} twice as large, heavy, strong, etc.; twofold in size, amount, number, extent, etc.: a double portion; a new house double the size of the old one.

{fuck}a person, esp. one who is annoying or contemptible

{tard}a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.

"Like Double-Mint Gum?" "No, like Double-FuckTard!"

-Shady Grady

by Beer Tits July 9, 2009

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