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Gamer legs

When you're a hardcore gamer with an arkward leg position whilst pwning on games - the result after a couple of years is having loss quite a large amount of hair from the backs of your legs due to such harsh gaming the friction has caused hair loss

Craig wondered why it looked like someone had shaved his back of his leg. I cryed with laughter until upon further inpection of my own legs I realised I also was bald as a fucking coot. Gamer legs for life

by ddpro October 11, 2009

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Gamer masterbater

This one is especially for gaymers, it is when you stick your controller up your ass and then you turn on vibrate

Danny: I definately a gamer masterbater
Steve: Yeah me too

by genghis September 13, 2016

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Gamer's Dream

This is where a guy is playing a computer game, while being sucked off by a girl or guy.

Yo dude, my girlfriend gave me a gamer's dream under my computer desk while playing WoW last night!

by Zanakh February 9, 2009

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Fortnite Gamer

Between the ages of 7-19 these mythical creatures can best be described as tumors. Some of their defining traits are having balls the size of raisins, having more then 3 pairs of shoes, acting depressed, and being shorter then 5’1’.If you encounter one of these entity’s make sure that you run as far as you can as its fat ass won’t be able to keep up with you. Make sure you lock your door for extra protection. If you are met with a situation where you must confront them then the best thing to do is to tell their parents. If that doesn’t work then curb-stomp their fucking face in.

Fortnite Gamer: throws stick at kid in fight
Other child: fucking body’s him

by Holland Faggot May 8, 2019

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pro gamer

Being β€œpro gamer” means to be neutral in a conversation about a controversial topic

Joe: hey Fella, are you pro life, or pro choice
Fella: bruh, I’m pro gamer

by thelittlebonsai February 15, 2021

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Epic Gamer

An "Epic Gamer" is someone who is very good at video games, hell, even sudoku. This person is also a major CHAD as well, and will treat every gamer he/she comes across with respect and kindness.


Person #2: Well good sir, he is, without a doubt, an Epic Gamer.

by SuperClean29 April 26, 2020

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Epic Gamer

1. A gamer with way too much time on their hands.
2. A gamer who just did an epic thing on whatever game they are playing, who is therefore called an epic gamer.
3. An 11-year-old tryhard who just got to level 10 on Roblox Jailbreak.

Donnie: I don't believe it! I just got 10 Victory Royales on FortNite in a row!
Friend1: That's an Epic Gamer move right there.

by The_Random_Dicthead January 15, 2019

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